Monday, May 10, 2010

pregnancy induced carpal tunnel...

i haz it!

So for about a week now, when I'm asleep my right arm falls asleep and my fingers tingle and go numb. So I wake up and shake it out but the numbness and tingling in my fingers never totally goes away. So today I did a little google search to find out if I was dying or something. I questioned Mike yesterday about what side of your body goes numb if you are on the verge of having a stroke. Yes, seriously. I asked this. I was glad that google could ease my mind and let me know that I am not having a stroke but have what seems to be pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Oh what fun! Although I haven't been told this by my doctor, I'm assuming when I bring it up at my appointment on Thursday she will tell me what good ol' Dr. Google has told me.


Sweet Craftikins said...

LOL, you crack me up! "dying or something!" Oh wait, "Dr. Google!" Hilarious!
I'm curious, once your real Doctor confirms what Dr. Google told you can you ask if this is something that will go away? Does it immediately go away or with time? Does it have something to do with your circulation? Are there any natural remedies?
Or maybe I should just go ask Dr. Google... =P

Stephanie said...

Dr. Google seems to say that it will go away after delivery or within a few weeks. My sister says she still deals with it from time to time. She recommended that I go get a wrist brace for carpal tunnel at Wal-Mart and that helped her a bit. Right now as I type my thumb and middle finger on my right hand are tingling. So irritating.

Unknown said...

My sister in law had it too. I have it a little bit with this pregnancy, but not nearly as bad. I have heard the braces really help! It is supposed to go away a few weeks after delivery, but be warned.. it can be painful to hold and lift the baby at first if your wrists are hurting that bad. I hope it goes away before Courtney comes!!

Stephanie said...

For me it doesn't hurt (yet). It is just weird because if I use my right hand a lot(washing dishes, mopping, etc.) my hand goes numb.