Friday, February 8, 2013

Mike's dream trip come true!

At the end of January, we took a family vacation to Whistler, BC for some snowboarding, ice skating and tubing! We left on Thursday, January 24 for the 3 hour drive to the mountain. We live about 45 minutes or less from the Canadian border and got to Whistler at right about lunchtime.

Our hotel wasn't ready for us so we parked the car and headed into the "Olympic Plaza".

In case your head has been in the sand or you possibly don't watch the Olympics (Summer or Winter), Whistler was the location of the 2010 Winter Olympics. That evening we took Courtney to the Olympic Skating rink and let her ice skate for the first time.
(These photos were taken with our Canon point and shoot which has since sh*t the bed, so that explains why they look like crap.)

On Friday and Saturday, Mike and I got some time to go Snowboarding while Courtney "spa'ed" it up at the Westin Resort and Spa Childcare. We make jokes that she got the spa treatment with cucumbers on her eyes and a back massage in her pull-up.

Let's go back to Friday night. We rode the gondola up to the Coca Cola Tube Park to go tubing. The kids are supposed to be 3 but Courtney fit the age requirement. So up we went. It was so scary watching Courtney go down the first time, but she LOVED it. She rode it 4 times.
(That little black dot halfway down the hill, that's Courtney.)

Sunday was our last day so we did some shopping and then played outside in the snow for sometime before heading home.

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