1) Cloud B Sleep Sheep - We have used the Sleep Sheep everyday since Courtney came home from the hospital. Thanks to my parents, Courtney received an "On the Go" Sleep Sheep for her baptism so we have a smaller one to take with us when we travel. Yay!

2) Medela Pump in Style - Although I didn't have a "new" one (I borrowed my sisters), this thing was a must have for ANY nursing mom AND working mom. I pumped for Courtney from 12 weeks until we weaned at 7 months. If I had a hand pump I NEVER would have made it as far as I did. I would just recommend researching any type of double electric pump. There are a lot of great pumps out there. I hear Ameda's are great as well.
3) PumpEase Hands Free Pumping bra - A must have for working moms. I didn't order mine until 4 or 5 months in. I wish I had it sooner.
4) Dr. Brown's Bottles - We have tried different brands and these are the best we found. People do complain about the parts to wash (there are 7 total parts - bottle, cap, venting system (2 pieces), nipple, twist lid and flat cap to avoid spillage) but I just fill the sink with hot soapy water and throw them all in to soak for a bit then scrub them all. It really isn't that bad. These also come in glass and wide neck if you're interested.

5) Dr. Brown's BPA Free Natural Flow Deluxe Bottle Warmer - We just recently bought this, mostly because we knew we were switching to formula. It warms the bottle with steam. You can heat up to 10 bottles before refilling the water resovoir. I usually make Courtney's bottle, put it in the warmer, change Courtney's diaper and just in time hear the "ding". It's great. I've heard some negative reviews of other bottle warmers and this one I think is a must have.

6) Exersaucer - Courtney has been using hers since 5 months and it is one of the things that I can put her in to be entertained while I do the dishes, vaccuum or blog. :) We ordered ours through Amazon with free shipping.

7) Pacifiers - Some people like them, some don't. We knew we didn't want Courtney to be a thumb sucker (you can take away a pacifier, but can't take away her thumb). Courtney started of on Nuk pacifiers but then transitioned over to MAMs.

8) Aveeno Baby Wash & Shampoo - We started with Johnson and Johnson but then switched to Aveeno after Courtney started getting dry skin leading to eczema. Her Pedi recommended switching to Aveeno because supposedly J&J adds alcohol to their washes and lotions which tends to dry out baby skin (go figure). The Aveeno wash smells so good and makes Courtney's skin so soft! I love me some soft baby skin!

That's all I can think of right now!

1 comment:
I definitely agree that all the parts to wash are worth it with the Dr. Brown's bottles! And I think I may look into the bottle warmer. Livy still takes one bottle of pumped milk every night in addition to her nursing session so it would make bed time that much easier!
And the Boppy would definitely be on my list!
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